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Sunday, July 29, 2012

CleaCase on Windows 7 - Resolving slow checkin/checkout times

If you're using a ClearCase version between and, you might have experienced extremely slow speeds when checking out files. Personally, I noted that this ran to ~7s per file when downloading an image via a custom script. I'm running CC on Windows 7 Professional (64 bit).

Initially I blamed this on our corporate network but, since this wasn't occurring in Windows XP machines running the same script, I had to conclude that the issue was with the CC client. I came across this post in the IBM support portal and decided to give it a go (although this wasn't for the exact problem that I had).

I put the following in a .reg file:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


double clicked it to merge the entry and restarted my laptop.

Then when I ran my (previously excruciatingly slow!!) script, everything worked fine. I was getting the same speeds as on Windows XP. The purpose of the reg value is to make Mvfs service work in the same way as it would under XP.

Just to emphasize, this is not an officially announced fix and it might not solve everyone's problems. But if you're stuck with having to wait two days to get a checkout of the latest build images, it might be worth giving a try.